In just this last week, these things happened:
- A friend and collaborator released a powerful new book on relationships. I’m sure it will be a bestseller. It was launched by a major publisher after two years of work she and her husband performed while she held a more than full-time job.
- A team of three women at a client company led an unbelievably complex and impactful global, virtual kickoff without a hitch. It was creative, connected, and inspiring.
- A C-level client of mine spoke to another C-level client of mine, and the client on behalf of whom I requested the conversation was blown away by the value of that chat. She said, “I learned so much just by virtue of the questions she asked me.”
- A dear friend moved into a home she built in downtown Boulder. It is a design feat, created in partnership with her man, a renowned architect. It is her name on the deed. The project is a wonder.
- A newer friend of mine is deep into an immersive training routine to complete her first Ironman triathlon eight months from now.
- I was in a conversation where the question was “who has contributed most to your personal growth at THIS stage in your life.” My answer wasn’t my grandmother or my high-school debate coach, although they both were huge influences. In this moment, my answer was my friend Leah, who over the last ten years has, again and again, pushed me to believe that I can have the life I most want.

As I reflect on this week, a small representation of the constant stream of stories that touch me, I feel incredibly proud of the women in my universe. I also feel more certain than ever that it is in large part our willingness to express our pride in each other that has fueled our wins.
I recently wrote about the power of bragging. This applies to men and to women. I’ve also not been very vocal about women specifically, because I grew bored of only being asked to opine on that topic.
And, I am a woman. Maybe it’s harder or maybe it’s not, but I’ve been tearing up a lot lately watching the women in life manifest their visions, alone and through the partnership of other women (and tons of men) as cheerleaders, mentors, or just pivotal utterers of what someone most needed to hear on that one phone call. I would be foolish to skip over how much pure joy this is bringing me.